
Self Improvement through neuroscience

The subconscious offers an untapped potential into the human mind, simply waiting to be leveraged, exploited even, to accelerate our self improvement. However, accessing the far-reaches of our minds has proven elusive at best. Only recently have we made gains, through the help of modern technology, to really understand more about consciousness, Freud's iconic psychic apparatus and the creation of this sense of self.

Today, we are still only scratching the surface, but that hasn't abated our fascination with the human mind. That hasn't limited the pursuits of scientists to make significant attempts in understanding the mechanics behind how it all works. And rightfully so. To the victor, go the spoils, so to speak. Clearly, the one who unlocks the true secrets of the subconscious will likely hold the key to a vast and endless fortune in the near future.
Coupled with today's quickly-advancing technology, and the rise of artificial intelligence, we're actually far closer to doing just that. This fascinating field isn't just intriguing to the scientific community; it's also been a field of study and obsession in our civilization since very early on in our species. We've long obsessed over areas of personal development and in the improvement of our inner selves, but only recently has our understanding exploded in growth.

Consider this for a moment. The field of neuroplasticity, which only came about in the latter part of the 20th century, reveals that large-scale changes in adulthood can occur through repetitious behavior, emotions, thoughts and other stimuli present in our environments. This runs contrary to the past beliefs that our personal and mental growth is stifled through adulthood, and that it largely occurs during the first several developmental years of our lives. We now know, thanks to brain-scan technologies, that it's no longer true. Instead, we've discovered that how we frame and shape our thoughts can easily shape the state and quality of our lives.

To put it more aptly and to quote Gandhi, "Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny." In other words, thoughts are most certainly things.

One person who knows very well how to harness the power of technology when combined with altering the shape and state of their lives is, John Assaraf, founder of NeuroGym, who's also appeared in the iconic Law of Attraction movie, The Secret, which itself touts that “Everything that is coming into your life, you are attracting into your life. It is attracted to you by the images you are holding in your mind." 

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