Recognized by his peers as the quintessential motivational genius of our times, Zig Ziglar's unique delivery style and powerful messages have earned him many honors, and today he is considered one of the most versatile authorities on the science of human potential. 10 of his 28 books have been on the best-seller lists, and his titles have been translated into more than 38 languages and dialects. In this interview, he explains which sales tactics work most effectively, how to become a motivational speaker, and more.
Throughout your career, which sales tactics worked most often?
The sales tactics that worked most often were all encompassed in preparation. When I showed up knowing exactly what I was going to say to the prospect, showed up on time and ready for the coming conversation, showed up appropriately dressed and groomed – these things prepare the way for you to make a positive impression on your prospect with your knowledge and professionalism. And I can almost guarantee they will listen the next time you talk to them, too!
How did you develop into a motivational speaker? What were the obstacles to becoming one?
When I became proficient as a salesman I was invited to teach new hires. At 25 I was in the audience of my first professional speaker, Bob Bales. His presentation got my attention. I had never seen anyone having so much fun “at work” and getting paid for it! I was bitten. The obstacles were (1) my young age, (2) my inexperience in public speaking. Although not an obstacle, I had a family and knew that I was responsible for providing for them as I developed the skills required to become successful as a professional speaker, so I had to continue in sales until, sixteen years later, I was sufficiently prepared to speak professionally full time. While I was learning how to speak during the 16 years I gave hundreds of presentations wherever and whenever I could.
What are the emotional skills and traits needed to be successful in life?
Honesty and integrity are absolutely essential for success in life – all areas of life. The really good news is that anyone can develop both honesty and integrity. I also believe you need to have persistent consistency. Consistency meaning that you work on your goal or objective every day or a least every week. Persistent meaning that when you are working on your goal you are always taking it up a notch, doing a little bit more, and learning a little bit more.
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