In Duncan Bannatyne

10 Life changing money tips from Duncan Bannatyne

DUNCAN BANNATYNE is worth more than £200million (2016), but the Dragons' Den entrepreneur hasn't always been smart with money.

In a decade, the Glaswegian tycoon went from being skint to becoming a millionaire and he picked up some valuable lessons along the way.

To answer the many people who now write to him asking for guidance through the credit crunch, Duncan has written a book passing on the accrued wisdom that could help many of us stay insulated from financial hardship.

In How To Be Smart With Your Money, he provides the basics of how to get on top of our finances.

He said: "I wanted a book that was going to be accessible and help people make the most of their money.

"Whether you've got money in the bank or not, whether you are young or old, self-employed or unemployed, the principles of being smart with your money are the same."

Here Duncan shares some of his top tips to make your money work for you.

1 Don't dream

Don't worry, my absolute rule about money is to THINK. Planning your financial future is the first step to making it a reality.When the subject of money comes up, too many people stick their fingers in their ears and choose not to listen, they think that money is more complicated a subject than it is.

This is rubbish. Ask yourself basic questions like how much money do you have in the bank and how much money do you need to live on each month? If you don't know the answer how do you know if you can afford that treat you are about to buy? Paying for things and affording them are too very different things.

2 Budget

The one basic, fundamental way of being smart with money is that you've got to have more coming in than you've got going out. Prepare and control your personal budget. All you need is common sense, a pen and paper.

Write down your monthly net income, tax credits, benefits, interest on savings. Now list everything you pay for each month, from mortgage payments and standing orders, to how much cash you take out of the bank, without even thinking about it. Check your bank statements to see how much you really spend.

If there is an excess each month, think about investments. If there is a deficit you need to trim back. Is there anything you cut back on even small things like cappuccinos on the way to work or the thousands spent on cigarettes?

3 Get Organised

File your receipts and income information sensibly so you can be sure you've got more coming in than going out. Once a week go through all the bits of paper and add up how much you have spent and see how it tallies with your budget.

Organise for all your direct debits and standing orders to leave your account on the same day, perhaps a couple of days after your monthly salary lands in your account.That way you don't go through the month thinking you have more money than you do.

4 Stay Informed

It pays to stay informed - gathering information from as many sources as possible it will help you make smarter financial decisions. It isn't boring, it's crucial. In 2007, some very smart people read that the property market was likely to be affected by the credit crunch so sold their properties at the right time.

In less turbulent times, paying attention to the financial world will let you make the most of tax breaks and new products. Use lots of sources, from watching the news and buying a newspaper to talking to a financial adviser.

5 Boost Your Income

Make sure you're taking advantage of all the benefits available, whether it's tax credits or employee benefits. Instead of throwing things out, sell them on eBay. Consider a second job or renting out a room.

6 Save

Savings help you cope with emergencies and let you invest for the future, which gives you more options. Look at your budget and work out how much you could save, even if it's only a fiver, I recommend that you set up a regular transfer of that amount from your current account to your savings account and then forget about it. If you have put away a lump sum of savings make sure you are always checking you are getting the best interest.

7 Spend Smart

Ask yourself if you really need it before you buy it.You're just frittering away money, you're frittering away your wealth. Limit the cards you carry and if you know you have got into bad spending habits, try and only carry cash for a week and see what a difference it makes to your attitude. Keeping a record helps you identify areas where you have thrown caution to the wind and is an invaluable tool for the future.

8 Deal With Debt

The first thing is to face debt. Add it all up, bank cards, loans, store cards, money owed to friends and family. Make a note of the interest rate you are paying.

Credit card companies can't take your home from you or cut off your electricity so prioritise by paying off the loans that risk the roof over your head. Talk to lenders and negotiate repayments.

9 Own Your Home

Own your own home if you possibly can - rent is a debt you pay for the rest of your life. I know that thousands of people are currently dealing with negative equity but I still think owning your own home is the smartest financial decision you can make.

Mortgage payments are usually lower than rents. Historically house prices have risen, giving you the opportunity to amass wealth.

You can choose the location and decorate and add to a property to increase its value.

10 Don't let your career drift

Don't let your career drift. Keep thinking about your next career move and make sure you don't spend years earning less than you should.

In every career there are opportunities maybe for promotion or to specialise in new technology. Recognising these moments and building on the momentum that accompanies them can transform your earnings. If you're young and don't have children that might be the time to work long hours and stockpile cash. Choose the moment when it is worth taking a risk or staying put.


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